Marine Explorations- Bonhomme Richard

3 stickers; 1 negative; 17- 3 1/2" x 5" photographs 5 of sonargraphs, 12 taken during expedition; Contact reports; Letter to M. Klein from Sydney Wignall, dated 5/22/1976; Letter to M. Klein from John Catlow, dated 5/23/1977; Letters to Sydney Wignall from U.S. & British Naval personnel 1963, 1976 with map of search area; Letter to Sydney Wignall from Ann Suster, dated 2/27/1978; Correspondence between Sydney Wignall & H. Edgerton, dated May 1978; Letter to All Trustees of ACMAF from Wayne Gronquist, dated 5/25/1978; Correspondence between Garry Kozak & Sydney Wignall, Aug/Sept. 1978; Letter to P. Rogers from Sydney Wignall, dated 8/14/1978; Correspondence between Sydney Wignall & M. Klein Oct. 1977, May/June 1978, Sept-Nov. 1978; Correspondence between M. Klein & Clive Cussler, 1978-1980; Correspondence between Clive Cussler & Garry Kozak, Sept. 1978; 1978 Bon Homme Richard Side Scan Survey Summary; Correspondence between Eric Berryman & M. Klein, dated May/Dec. 1978, Jan. 1979 includ., contact reports, resume, & work requisitions; Letters to M. Klein from Wayne Gronquist, dated 4/10/1979, 12/17/1979; Cover letters from Terry Parker, May 1979; Correspondence between Betsey Nolan & M. Klein, May 1979; Correspondence between M. Klein & T.H. Toulson, Aug. 1989 with articles; Letter to Sea Heritage News from M. Klein, dated 2/8/1980 (2 copies); Sea Heritage News, vol. 1, no. 1 Jan. 1980 (2 copies); Invoice from Offshore Environmental Systems Ltd, dated 7/20/1979; Trip Report Bon Homme Richard/John Paul Jones; Project Summaries from NUMA website, printed 9/16/2003; Bonhomme Richard Project Brochure; Contact list, Aug. 1978; Yorkshire Coast postcard; Handwritten notes; Partial Map of England; 3 John Paul Jones postcards; John Paul Jones 15 cent stamps; Page from calendar; Advertisement for John Paul Jones Bicentennial Medal; Flagship Drawing Series advertisement; Press releases titled "National Underwater Marine Agency, Inc. Formed to Search for Historical Relics and Investigate Mysteries of the Deep," "Clive Cussler Not Only Writes About Underwater Adventure He Goes Looking for It," "Operation John Paul Jones to Search for the Remains of the Most Famous Ship in American Naval History," "NUMA Search Team Zeroes in on Wreck of`Bonhomme Richard"; Interview with Clive Cussler, 5/5/1979; Letter to M. Klein from D.L.G. Edwards, dated 8/8/1979 with "Battle of Flamborough Head," by John Evangelist Walsh, Reader's Digest; "Sea Search for History: Project Bonhomme Richard," by John Drewry, Sea Technology May 1976; "How Decca Located the 'Almost Certain' Remains of Historic Bonhomme Richard" Ocean Industry Nov. 1976; Survey, no. 2 1976 featuring "Project 'Bonhomme Richard'," p. 3-5 (2 copies); Ocean Science on Station, vol. 18, no. 38, Sept. 17,1976; "Bonhomme Richard Reconstructed With CAD," by Elizabeth Signell, reprinted from OCEANS '87; "Pride of British Navy Put Under British Protection," by Martin Wainwright, The Guardian 7/19/2002; "Computer Modeling Used to Search for Ship," ON&T Jan/Feb 2007; "Search for the Bonhomme Richard Using Computer Modeling and Submarine Technologies," by Melissa Ryan & CDR John McGrath, Marine Technology Society Journal, vol. 42, no. 4 Winter 2008/2009; "Search for the Bonhomme Richard (the second attempt-June 1979)," Above the High Seas, 9/28/2007, printed 3/13/2012; Additional assorted newspaper & magazine articles; In oversize folder: technical drawings