Marine Explorations- De Braak

Materials relating to the discovery and controversial salvage of the British Sloop-of-War De Braak, which sunk off the coast of Delaware in 1798. ;
DeBraak Slide, courtesy Al Bieber;
Klein Side Scan Sonar Record Showing Original find of the DeBraak (3 copies);
Contact Report 1980-09-30;
De Braak Expedition report by Barry Schatz;
DeBraak Survey/Salvage Trip Report, by Kevin McCarthy, 1984-07;
Letter to Al Bieber from M. Klein, dated 1985-04-16;
Handwritten Notes;
Letter to John Davidson from M. Klein, dated 1986-08-28 with newspaper cut out;
Letter to M. Klein from Jon Victor, dated 1987-03-04;
"The Treasure of the DeBraak," by Paul Brodeur, The New Yorker, 1988-08-15;
"Sunken Pirate Ship Found Off Delaware," by Robert Cooke, The Boston Globe 1984-07-31;
"The Debraak," by Ellsworth Boyd, Skin Diver Jan. 1986;
Lake Champlain Phenomena postcard and clipping;
Assorted Newspaper Clippings;