Marine Explorations- HMS Edinburgh

Materials relating to the discovery and salvage operations of the HMS Edinburgh, a British ship that was sunk in the Barents Sea while transorting five tons of Soviet gold as part of the lend-lease program. Torpedoed by German Submarines in 1942, the HMS Edinburgh was designated an official war grave, and salvage operations were subsequently controversial. ;
Letter to Jean Schwartz from J.W. Stephens, dated 1981-09-07;
Letter to Bill Key from J.W. Stephens, dated 1982-01-11 with photograph of sonar record;
Letter to Nancy Falls from J.W. Stephens, dated 1981-11-18;
"The Finding of the H.M.S. Edinburgh" in Survey, no. 10 (2 copies);
"Operation E: Gold from the Deep," by Brian Redden, Subnotes, Jan. 1987;
"Stalin's Gold," The Sunday Times Magazine, 1981-08-09 (2 copies);
Assorted newspaper clippings;