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Subject Files- Multi Aspect Sonar

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Multi-Aspect, Multi-Frequency Sonar by Klein Associates, Inc. (2 copies); Klein Associates, Inc. Mulitiple Aspect Sonar Diagrams; Memo from G. Caswell to L. Rayner, re: Klein Visit on 27 March; Contact Reports; Handwritten notes; Memo for the Record, Subject: The Next Generation Imaging Sonar System, dated 8/25/86; Letter to Gordon Caswell from M. Klein, dated 8/26/1986 with Multi-Aspect, Multi-Frequency Sonar by Klein Associates, Inc.; Outline for Multiple Aspect Sonar Presentation; Memo from G. Caswell to M. Klein, dated 10/29/1987; Comments on MAS, dated 1/22/1988; Memo from Larry Rayner to M. Klein, dated 1/15/1988 (2 copies); Statement of Work; Sheraton Receipt