Subject Files- Sub-Bottom Profiling

Del Norte Model 502 Seismic Amplifier & Mode 561 Marine Acoustic Pulse Generator product data; Geophysical Resources, Inc. Vacu Pulse product data; Nova Scotia Research Foundation Corporation Deep Towed Sub-Bottom Profiling System product data; Bolt Associates, Inc. Par Pneumatic Sound Sources & Hydrophone Streamer Model 1011 product data; "Development of an Acoustic Probe for Detailed Ocean Bottom and Sub-Bottom Surveys, by Willard Dow, NOAA, Apr. 1976; "Pockmarks Puzzle the Geologists," Offshore Engineering, Jun. 1977; Letter to M. Klein from A. Wilson, dated 9/15/1977 with Frazer-Nash (Electronics) Limited High Power Underwater Acoustic Transducer Type FNT-001 & Deep Sea Precision Echo Sounder product data; "Quantitative Acoustics Near the Sea Floor," by Robert C. Tyce, Oceans '77; "Preservign Amplitude in High-Resolution Marine Geophysical Profiles," by Donald J. Kroster, Oceans '77; Hydrosonde DTS Digital Profile- Emerald Basin 1977; Handwritten notes with "Sediment Classification Using a Wideband, Frequency-Modulated Sonar System," by S.G. Schock & L.R. LeBlanc, Offshore Technology Conference, 1986; "A 3 MHz Acoustic Sediment Profiling System," by C. Libicki, K.W. Bedford, et al., Proceedings of a Speciality Conference on Advances in Understanding of Coastal Sediment Processes, 1987; "A Novel Technique for Sub-Bottom Profiling," by Dirk F. Lamprecht & Etien Plekker, Sea Technology, Sept. 1994; "Ocean Sediment Properties Using Acoustic Sensing," by R.R. MacIsaac & A.D. Dunsiger; "The Application of an Acoustic Parabolic Reflection to High Resolution Sub-Bottom Surveying," by Robert Bolus, K. Sivaprasad, & A.D. Frost