Amst., Theodor
Black and white engraving of the whale spitting Jonas up onto land in a harbor area with several small sailboats, and some towns on cliffs, in the background. On the bottom left corner, the maker name is given: "Ioan Sadler scalps et excud" (Jan Sadeler, engraver and publisher). On the bottom right corner, the text has been scratched out; based on other prints of the same engraving, one can ascertain that this text originally read "Theodor. B Amst figurmat".Below the image there are two columns of Latin text. In the first column:
"Hunc veluti magno veniens e gurgite quondam
Bellua continuit ventris sub carcere Vatem,"
and the second column,
"Et post tres soles occlusum littore tandem
Restituit, vesciq dedit vitalibus auris."
In the middle of the bottom of the image is printed the numeral 2.
On the reverse of the image is a hand-drawn architectural plan for an unknown project. The lines run off the page and the marks of the straight-edge employed by the artist are still visible in the paper. The date and the artist for this reverse image are unknown.
Engraver, publisher