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Pi Day: In Living Color

We're teaming up with the Young People's Project (YPP) for a celebration of Pi and the power of community in mathematics.

3:00 - 5:00PM

Explore a variety of mathematical activities throughout the MIT Museum. Create your own Möbius strip in the Maker Hub, reflect on your mathematical identity, and make math learning fun and interactive through a sample of games from YPP's Math Playground.

5:00 - 6:00PM

Come together in the Exchange for a communal activity and the data reveal for the collective "toothpick toss" data collection experiment, and close out the mathematical celebration together.

About the Young People's Project (YPP):

The Young People's Project uses math literacy work to develop the abilities of elementary through high school students to succeed in school and in life, and in doing so involve them in efforts to eliminate institutional obstacles to their success.

March 14 (Pi Day!)
FREE, no pre registration required
3-6PM, Last entry at 5PM