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Sensory Friendly Evening

The Museum is pleased to offer a dedicated evening for visitors who would benefit from a sensory-friendly experience.

Enter the Museum after we close to enjoy our galleries with a limited number of visitors as well as a making activity designed for all. Guests can access our sensory maps and a social narrative to assist in planning a museum visit, and our welcoming staff will be present to answer questions and lead several special drop-in activities.

Here are modifications we’ll be making:

  • We will be turning off exhibit audio that is typically playing in the background or that is activated by motion sensing. The script of this audio can be accessed by a QR code at the exhibit.
  • We will lower the audio on several experiences that utilize audio as part of an artwork.
  • We will turn off large screen exhibits in the Essential MIT and Exchange spaces.
  • We will place signage near experiences likely to be dark or noisy.
  • We will provide headphones and fidgets to borrow as needed at several locations. A calm space outside of our Maker Hub will have seating and activities.

Note: This is a pilot program that we hope to build into our regular ongoing programming. We would love your feedback and will be collecting brief surveys on-site and in one follow-up email.

October 16, 2024
5:30pm - 7:00pm
Free, registration required.