The Science of Smart Textiles
Explore the material science revolution aiming to protect the planet.
Climate-focused textile entrepreneurs are driving innovation around the world through the development of sustainable and environmentally responsible products and technologies. This panel discussion explores real world solutions for science in service to nature with fully performant and damage free membranes, with lab grown cotton that reduces the consumption of water, reduce forced labor risk and use of pesticides and carbon emission.
September 30, 2023
3-4:00 pm
No pre-registration required.
This program is presented as part of Cambridge Science Festival. Admission is free.
Sponsored by Swissnex
Moderator: Frederic Atwood
Public Diplomacy Manager at Swissnex Boston
Panelist: Luciano Bueno
Founder and CEO of GALY
Panelist: Mario Strucki
Co-Founder of DIMPORA
Caitlin Knowles
E-Textile Device Engineer, Advanced Functional Fabrics of America (AFFOA)