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EG&G International, Inc., sonar file 3

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Letter to M. Klein from H. Scott Carson, dated 5/22/1962; Memo to M. Klein, "Department of Defense 'Secret' Clearance," 10/5/1962; Memo "Leave of Absence," 10/2/1967; Correspondence between Ross Yeiter & M. Klein, Jan. 1968; Letter to Ralph Cadwallader from M. Klein, dated 4/22/1968; Sonargraph, dated 11/8/1962; "Subsurface Exploration by Sonar Seismic Systems," by E.D. Van Reenan, Symposium on Soil Exploration Special Techinical Publication No. 351, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1964; "A Pulse-Compression Echo Sounder for Ocean Bottom Surveys," by F.G. Nawar, et al., Journal of Geophysical Research vol. 71, no. 22, 11/15/1966; "Instrumentation for Exploring the Oceans," by H. Edgerton & Samuel Raymond, Electronics 4/8/1960; Pinger Traces Recorded on a Strip Chart Recorder; Interoffice memo "Proposal for a New Experimental Linear Array Hydrophone"; EG&G Monitor, Issue 6, 1974; EG&G Monitor, Issue 6, 1975; Model 229 Pinger Probe Set product data; Pinger Systems product data; Soundhouse Transponder Systems for Relocation, Acoustic Command product data; Deep-sea Photographic Systems product data; Offshore Platform Foundation Studies; Hydropgraphic and Seismic Profiling Surveys by Earl Van Reenan and Donald A. Smith from Jan. 1, 1966 issue of Telephony; "Application of Oceano-Geophysical Services Seismic Survey- English Channel" a Status Report (2 copies); Sample Side Scan Records; Mark 1A Dual Channel Side Scan Sonar System product data; Mark 1B Side Scan Sonar product data (2 copies); Press Release "EG&G Introduce New Mark 1B Side Scan Sonar," dated April 1973; Model 255 Engineering Survey Recorder product data; CT/3 Electromagnetic Current Meter product data; CT/3 Field Calibration Unit Sales Analysis Bulletin; "Side Scan Sonar" by Martin Klein, from UnderSea Technology, April 1967; New Venture Analysis for High Resolution Sonar, dated 7/17/1967 and 6/20/1967; Memo "Program fro Evaluating Side Scan Capabilities," dated 6/1/1967; Memo "Sidescan Prices," dated 5/11/1967; Side Scan Sonar Systems Technical Report, August 1966; Environmental News, Vol. 2, No. 2, November 1975; Underwater Search product data; Side Scan Sonar product data (2 copies); UnderSea Technology magazine, April 1967; "The 'English Chunnel' May Come at Last," by Walter Sullivan, New York Times, 7/17/1966; Memo "North Sea Oil Search," dated 10/29/1964; "Oceanography- New Challenge for Equipment Designers," by Sidney Feldman, Electronic Industries, May 1965; "New Submarine Cable-Laying Technique: Hydrographic and Seismic Profiling Surveys"; Letter to R.E. Warren from Francis R. Germain; Miscellaneous articles;

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