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International Submarine Technology, Ltd., sonar file

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"Deep Ocean Map Making" by James G. Kosalos, abstract;

Sea MARC I product data (2 copies);

A 150 kHz Sea MARC;

Sea MARC CL product data (2 copies);

Letter to James Kosalos from M. Klein, dated 1979-12-20;

PASL System product data;

Contact reports;

Letter to M. Klein from James Kosalos, General Manager, dated 1979-12-28;

"A Proposal for a Remotely Operated Vehicle Navigation System and Demonstration Beneath Arctic Ice", dated 1980-01-04;

"Titanic Search Will Use International Submarine Technology's 'Sea MARC 1'" news release;

Letter to M. Klein from James Kosalos, dated 1980-02-15;

"General Description of a Side Scan Processor Using TV Raster Techniques for Display and Data Recording On a VTR";

"Sea MARC on Titanic" from Underwater Systems Design, Feb/Mar 1981;

"Map Making Traces Art of Technology" by James Kosalos & Chuck Collins from Offshore, June 5, 1982;

"Research Ship Charts New World on Sea-Bottom" by Hill Williams, from The Seattle Times, Oct. 9, 1982;

"Scientists In Search of Minerals Map the Bottom of the Ocean" by Solveig Torvik from Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Oct. 9, 1982;

"Sonar Developments Catalyze Mapping Technology Progress" by James G. Kosalos, Sea Technology, Nov. 1983;

"Sea MARC I Captures Birth of Ocean Crust" in Lamont Newsletter, Winter 1982-83;

"Back-Arc Seamounts and the SeaMARC II Seafloor Mapping System" by Donald M. Hussong & Patricia Fryer, 1983;

Handwritten notes;

Cruise Report: SeaMARC 1A Sidescan Sonar Survey of the Nanoose Test Range, Sept. 22-28, 1985;

"First Results from a Combination Side-Scan Sonar and Seafloor Mapping System (SeaMARC II)" by J.G. Blackinton and D.M. Hussong, Offshore Technology Conference, 1983;

Letter to James Kosalos from M. Klein, dated 1985-07-15;

Letter to Jean Swartz from John Shaw, Executive Vice President, dated 1984-08-08;

Balance sheet 1984-05-31;

Financial Statements 1983-08-31 & 1982;

Financial Statements 1982-08-31 & 1981

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