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Marine Explorations- The Geldermalsen

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Materials realting to the discovery, salvage, and eventual sale by auction of the cargo of the Geldermalsen, a shipwrecked 18th century Dutch Merchant ship carrying goods from China to the Netherlands, most notably large quantities of porcelain. Max de Rham, a salvor who used Klein sonar to locate the wreck, sent sonargraphs from the discovery to Martin Klein.

17 photographs of interior Christie's Auction catalog, some duplicates;

3 Letters to Max de Rham from M. Klein, dated 1985-11-20, 1986-03-27, 1986-11-24 with Bloomingdale advertisement;

Letter to M. Klein from Max De Rham, dated 1985-10-31 with 3 side scan records;

Review of the Christie's auction catalog and The Geldermalsen History and Porcelain, by Jeremy Green, International Journal of Nautical Archaeology and Underwater Exploration 1988;

Correspondence between M. Klein & China Trade Center Antiques, 1987-88, including receipt of purchase 1987-01-29;

Bloomingdale's advertisement (2 copies);

Assorted online and newspaper articles;

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