Klein, Martin
"The Principles of the Swathe Sounding System, Its Use and Implications 1982-1986;"
"Researchers Study Glass-Ceramic Formation Processes," Research & Development, Aug. 1986;
"Multibeam Echo Sounder is Low Cost Seafloor Mapper," by Dr. Freddy Pohner, Sea Technology, Oct. 1986;
"Seafloor Mapping," by Patrick Huyghe, Ocean, Dec. 1986; "Stereo Side Scan as a Complement to Echo Sounding for High Resolution Bathymetric Studies," by D.D. Caulfield, D.J. Kenway, C.M. Gold, Report no. 63, USN/SEG Three Dimensional Data Symposium, Mar. 1984;
"A Proposal to Conduct a Theorectical Analysis of Bathymetric Side Scan Sonar," 9/22/1986;
Letter to William Key from Joel C. Sowers, dated 12/8/1986 with Statement of Work;
Klein Associates, Inc. Invoice to Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC), dated 12/24/1986;
Meeting Schedule NOAA/Klein Associates, 11/25/1986 with SAIC presentation slides; handwritten notes; SAIC contract; Outline; "Depth Inaccuracies: A Statement of the Problem";
Letter to Dr. Robert Morton from Donald Pryor, dated 10/23/1986; Memo from R. Morton to J. Sowers, re. Klein Subcontract; Contact reports; Klein Associates, Inc. Work Order;
Bathymetric Side Scan Sonar Outline; NOAA Exclusive Economic Zone Survey Program brochure; "A Survey of Rapid Depth Measuring Techniques and the Development of a Bathymetric Sidescan Sonar," by P.N. Denbigh;
"Theory and Test of Bathymetric Side Scan Sonar," by Donald E. Pryor, Oceans '88