Jansson, Jan
Printed on lower right edge :
Amstelodami, Excudit Ionnes Ianssonius .
Inset in lower left corner of South Pole :
Antartica entitled "Terra Australis Incognita" with the following inscription: "Tabellam hanc seorsum sub iunximus ex qua quanta pars orbis austrum versus in hunc usque diem nos lateat perspicuum est."
Inset in upper portion of North Pole :
Greenland and Iceland entitled "Groenlandia" with the following inscription, "Borealiores Americae tractus cum hae tabula comprehendi nequirent nisi forte istas regions minoris forme ambitu concludere et deseribere voluisemus nos ys tabellam seorsim destinavi mus supra delineatam cui et Polus Arcticus in cluditur."
Depictions of ships, whales and sea monsters appear throughout the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Within South America, images of Spaniards and natives appear as well as unusual animals.
Taken from a French edition of the "Atlas Novus" by Hendrik Hondius and Joannes Janssonius (Jan Jansson). In the original Latin edition published 1641, there under the title, there is the text: "Auct: Henrico Hondio 1642," but it is absent in this engraving.