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Food for Space Travelers

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Paul LaChance (Manned Spacecraft Ctr, Houston), Doris Calloway (U.Cal. Berkeley, Dept Nutritional Sciences), Donald Wscott (US Army Labs, Natick), Mary Klicka (US Army Labs Natick). Food is chosen after a series of intense physiological tests to determine the basic nutrit. requirements of the astronaut during long space journeys. Metabolism & caloric consumption is studied by Calloway under conditions that approximate the activity & envm of the astronauts. Food technologists like Wescot are given the probl of packaging & storing the food. Dieticist Klicka uses these findings to devise a diet to support the space crews & to make the food attractive, palatable & preserving its texture & flavor & managing the waste products. [The special problems of feeding man during spce flight is examined in this program, including nutritional needs, special problems of microgravity, storage and more. Filmed at U.S. Army Labs in MA. b&w. (28:30)] John Fitch = reporter. Presented by NASA. (CC)

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