Compton family, 1937

The Compton family. Stamps on verso read "Apr 27 1939" and "Published, Apr 28 1939, Boston Traveler". Original Print Number 8721.
Original Caption: "American Mother's Illustrious Family Here is the family group of Mrs. Otelia Compton of Wooster, Ohio, who has been chosen by the Golden Rule Foundation as the American Mother for 1939. Seated, L. to R.: Mrs. Compton; her late husband, Dr. Elias Compton, who died a year ago at age of 81; her daughter, Mrs. Mary Rice, wife of Dr. C. Rice, Principal of Christian College, Allahabad, India. Standing, L. to R., her three sons: Wilson Martindale Compton, Professor in George Washington University; Dr. Karl Taylor Compton, President of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston; and Dr. Arthur Holly Compton, University of Chicago Professor, and winner of Nobel Prize for Physics in 1927. Mrs. Compton will come to New York during the week of May 8 to be inaugurated as the American Mother."