Karl Taylor Compton, Paul Weeks Litchfield and Charles E. Locke at Alumni Day, 1946

Karl Taylor Compton sits with Paul Weeks Litchfield and Charles E. Locke at Alumni Day luncheon, 1946. Stamp on verso reads "Published, Jun 9 1946, Boston Herald".
Original Caption: "At M.I.T, Dr. Compton - pres. M.I.T., Paul W. Litchfield, chair. of board Goodyear Tire + Rubber Co., Charles E. Locke, Alumnae sec. + class sec. of 50 yr. class. - also on staff of M.I.T."
Original Caption: "M. I. T. Alumni Day exercises found this group chatting at luncheon. Left to right: Dr. Karl T. Compton, president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Paul W. Litchfield, member of MIT's 50-year class and chairman of the board of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, and Charles E. Locke, alumni secretary and secretary of the 50-year class."