Committee on Post-War Research, 1944

Karl Taylor Compton, third from left, attends a committee meeting. Text on recto reads "Committee on Post-War Research, June 22, 1944". Names of individuals are annotated below. Stamp on verso reads "M.I.T. Historical Collections, received from Mrs. K.T. Compton, date Nov. 1975". Original Credit Line: U.S. Navy.
Original Caption: "File No: 45843 Released: June 22, 1944 Committee Named To Plan Post*War Research Making sure that vigilance in scientific research will continue, even with the war's end, Secretary of War Henry A. Stimson and Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal have appointed a committee of leading scientists and high-ranking Army and Navy officers to formulate plans for post-war research. Mr. Charles E. Wilson, vice-chairmand of the War Production Board, is chairman of the committee which held its first meeting June 22, 1944, in the Social Security Building, Washington, D.C. Seated around the conference table for the first meeting of the new post-war research committee, were, left to right: Col. R. H. Osborne, USA, Research and Development Div., Army Service Force; Rear Admiral G. F. Hussey, Jr., USN, Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance; Kr. K. T. Compton, of Boston, Mass., President Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Brigadier General W. F. Tompkins, USA, Director, Special Planning Division, W.D.C.S; Rear Admiral J. A. Furer, USN, Coordinator of Research and Development; Dr. F. B. Jewett, of New York, President, National Academy of Sciences; Mr. Charles E. Wilson, vice-chairman, War Production Board; Dr. J. C. Hunsaker, of Boston, Mass., Chairman, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics; Major General O. P. Echols, USA, Assistant Chief of Air Staff; Rear Admiral E. L. Cochrane, USN, Chief of the Bureau of Ships; Dr. N. A. Tuve, of Washington, D. C., Office of Scientific Research and Development; Major General A. W. Waldon, G. S. C., Chief of Requirements Section, ACF, Army War College, Rear Admiral D. C. Ramsey, USN, Chief of the Bureau of Aeronautics."
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