Karl Taylor Compton and others at formal event, circa 1944

Group photograph of dinner attendees, in formal wear, at gala in Montreal, Canada. Karl Taylor Compton is front row, fourth from left. Stamp on verso reads "M.I.T. Historical Collections, received from Mrs. K.T. Compton, date Nov. 1975".
Original Caption: "First row: From left to right: Mr. Theo. Lanctot, Chief engineer of the City of Hull, president of the Graduates' Society for 1944; the Hon. C.D. Howe, Minister of Munitions and Supply; Dr. Augustin Frigon, President of the Corporation of Ecole Polytechnique and Acting general manager of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; Dr. Karl Taylor Compton; Mgr Olivier Mauralt, Rector of the University of Montreal; Mr. Armand Circe, Dean of Ecole Polytechnique; Mr. Henri Gaudefroy, Assistant Dean of Ecole Polytechnique and Secretary-treasurer of the Graduates' Society; His Worship the Mayor of Montreal, Mr. Adhemar Raynault; the Hon. Hector Perrier, Provincial secretary; the Hon. T.D. Bouchard, provincial Minister of Roads; Mr. J.Edouard Simard, vice-president of Sorel Industries Ltd. Immediately behind Mgr Maurault, somewhat to the left and wearing glasses, Principal Cyril James of McGill University. Immediately behind Principal James, and also wearing glasses, Mr. Paul A. Beique, consulting engineer who was host, to Dr. Compton following the annual dinner."