Edwin Howland Blashfield mural, Walker Memorial, detail

Edwin Blashfield painted this mural, which is located on the wall in the main hall of the Walker Memorial Building at MIT. This panel depicts a symbolic representation of Humanity as a mother with her children. Original caption 1: "Blashfield Murals, Walker Memorial, M.I.T. See - CC-50-608." Original caption 2: "One of two great murals in the Walker Memorial at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. They were painted by the distinguished artist, Edwin H. Blashfield, and are some ten feet wide and twenty-five feet high. In this panel the artist shows Humanity, represented by the mother and her children, being led forward by Knowledge and Imagination, from Chaos to the Light. In the foreground children are shown carrying the Scales of Justice without which no real progress is possible. Above the Dove of Peace hovers and beyond in the background the worlds whirl in celestial space." Original credit line: George H. Davis Studio.