Panel, "The Evolving Role of the Corporate Director," 1957

Panelists, left to right, Sidney J. Weinberg, Eugene V. Rostow, Lyman Bryson, David Allan Shepard, and Vannevar Bush seated on a stage during a discussion titled "The Evolving Role of the Corporate Director," part of a convocation held by the Sloan School of Management. A large photograph of a building hangs behind the panel. Original caption: "As shown in the illustration at the top of this page, the afternoon session was given to a panel discussion of 'The Evolving Role of the Corporate Director.' Members of this panel were (left to right): Sidney J. Weinberg, Eugene V. Rostow, Lyman Bryson, who was chairman, David A. Shepard, '26, and Vannevar Bush, '16." Original caption: "MIT-Sloan School of Management, Photographs, Convocations- 4-9-57." Used in: The Technology Review, June 1957, p. 407.