Exhibit card of Vannevar Bush with profile tracer
A photograph of a mounted exhibit, showing an image of Vannevar Bush walking up a hill pushing his profile Tracer on the right, and an inset quote by Bush on the left. Original caption (front): "Bush's Profile Tracer, 'Way back about 1913 I built a machine which was intended to simplify surveying practice. One could run it over a tract of land and it would automatically draw the profile...That machine contained an integrator, and it also contained a servo-mechanism. Quite a few years later both of these elements became useful and the first rather crude differential analyzer was built.' Vannevar Bush, 1970/ Vannevar Bush with his profile tracer". Original caption: "Photo from IBM exhibit, A Computer Perspective". Original credit line: Charles Eames 901 Washington Boulevard Venice California, COX 1702.
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