Charles Stark Draper with Apollo navigation system

Black and white photo of Charles Stark Draper operating a guidance and navigation device meant for use on the APOLLO space missions. The Boston skyline can be seen in the background. Original caption: "From the Office of Public Relations, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, Telephone: UN 4-6900. Ext. 2705. APOLLO navigator device in use atop M.I.T. Instrumentation Laboratory building in Cambridge, Mass., with Boston sky line in the background. The device is used in APOLLO guidance and navigation system design and development and in programming APOLLO flight computers for APOLLO missions. It includes an APOLLO G/N system mounted in yoke formerly used for radar antenna. The system, linked to a computer, turns in azimuth and elevation as operator uses real stars to test G/N system theory, mechanization, mission programming, etc. APOLLO crews also use the navigator for familiarization. Shown operating the system is Dr. Charles Stark Draper, Laboratory founder and director and professor of aeronautics and astronautics at M.I.T." Original credit line: M.I.T. Photo.
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