Group portrait, U. S. Department of Commerce National Inventors Council, 1958

Black and white photo of twenty one men posing for the camera as a ground on the steps of the Wright Air Development Headquarters. Most of the men wear fedora hats and long coats, four are dressed in military uniforms. Dr Charles Stark Draper can be seen in the center of the last row.
Original caption: "U.S. Department of Commerce, National Inventors Council at WACD, Nov. 14, 1958 (Left to Right) Front Row: Col. B. Lawrence, Deputiy Dir. R&D, Hq. USAF; Mr. J. Green, Exec. Dir. NIC; Dr. C. F. Kettering, Chairman NIC; Dr. J. C. Zeder, VP Chrysler Corp.; Mr. L. Langner, Sec'y NIC.
Second Row: Mr. J. Hoffman, Office of Dir, R&D, Hq USAF: Mr. B. Walker, Pres., Shasta Forests Co.; Mr. L. B. Biebel Pres., American Patent Law Assoc.; Mr. F. Foote, American Bar Assoc.
3rd Row: Brig. Gen. T. J. Conway, Dir. of Research, R&D, Dept. of Army; Dr. A. L. Barach, Columbia Univ. Medical School
4th Row: Mr. F. Hennessy, Hq ARDC, USAF; Mr. H. J. Rand, Pres., H. J. Rand Associates; Dr. J. Hootman, NASA; Mr. R. Hansen, Monsanto Chemical Co.
5th Row: Dr. R. Adams, Univ. of Illinois: Mr. H. H. Ewing, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.; Capt. R. A. Fitch, Office Naval Research, Dept. of Navy; Dr. C. S. Draper, Mass. Inst. of Tech.; Mr. W. Davis, Dir. Science Service; Col. E. R. Jacoby, Chief of Staff WADC"
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