The Greens at Texas Instuments, circa 1959

Cecil Howard Green and Ida Mabelle (Flansburgh) Green stand in a garden outside a building at Texas Instruments in Dallas. Technology Review, May 1959, p. 342.
Original Caption: "Geophysical Pioneers Stimulate Research in Earth Sciences Cecil H. Green, '23, and Mrs. Green of Dallas, Texas, have given 30,000 shares of the stock of Texas Instruments Incorporated, having a market value on April 1 of $2,527,500, to M.I.T. to provide for the construction of a building to house the Center for Earth Sciences. Mr. and Mrs. Green are pictured above in the Dallas plant of Texas Instruments, a leading manufacturer of transistors and electronic systems for defense. Mr. Green is a vice-president and member of the board of directors of this company. Mr. Green's interest in the Institute has been intense and enduring since he enrolled as a student from a foreign country in 1921. Born in Manchester, England, and brought up in Vancouver, British Columbia, he came to M.I.T. after studying at the University of British Columbia. He received both the bachelor's and master's degrees from M.I.T., has served on the National Nominating Committee of the M.I.T. Alumni Association, and in June, 1958, was elected a special term member of the M.I.T. Corporation. While employed by the General Electric Company in Schenectady, N.Y., Mr. Green met and married Miss Ida Flansburgh, who has shared with him both the life of a pioneer in geophysical exploration and his deep interest in the advancement of science and education. After working as a research engineer with other companies, Mr. Green joined the newly formed Geophysical Service Incorporated in 1930 and worked in many areas with seismograph crews. He became president of the company in 1950 and chairman of its board of directors in 1955. This company is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Texas Instruments Incorporated."
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The Greens at Texas Instuments, circa 1959