William Chace Greene, circa 1937

Portrait photograph of William Chace Greene. Stamp on verso reads "Aug 14 1937".
Original caption: "MIT Scholar's Photo Printed Erroneously / Due to an error, a photograph of Prof. William C. Greene of MIT was printed in the Boston Traveler yesterday in place of a picture of Prof. William C. Greene of Harvard. The photo was used with a story which listed the signers of a petition to President Truman, asking for release of prisoners sentenced for conspiracy to overthrow the government. Prof. Greene of Harvard--not Prof. Greene of MIT--was among the signers. The MIT Prof. Greene is a former Rhodes Scholar and holds a number of degrees including Ph.B., A.B. and M.A. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and has never been associated with any movement or petition involving Communists."
Used in: Boston Traveler, August 14, 1937.
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