George Ellery Hale, Arthur Amos Noyes and H. M. Goodwin at field observatory, 1900
George Ellery Hale, left, Arthur Amos Noyes and H. M. Goodwin stand near an astronomical instrument next to field laboratory. Original caption: "This photograph, which shows three men standing outdoors, bears the number SA-738, and the caption: 'Eclipse day, May 28, 1900, Wadesboro North Carolina. The group beginning at the left, G. E. Hale, A. A. Noyes, H. M. Goodwin.' This photograph was sent by mistake because we originally thought that the man identified as Goodwin was [Charles Greeley] Abbot. But evidently the identification of Goodwin is corrrect. You may keep the photograph or return it to as as you please."