Group with Lyndon B. Johnson, 1964

Black and white photograph of industrial research leaders meeting with President Lyndon B. Johnson, right, after returning from the Soviet Union. From left, seated, are Enamel R. Piere, John H. Hollomon, and Robert L. Hershey. President Johnson's dog "Him" is also pictured. Original caption: "White House Greeting Washington, D.C.--'Him,' the White House pet dog joins in at the White House as President Johnson greets a delegation of industrial research leaders just back from a trip to the Soviet Union. Left to right are: D. Enamel R. Piere, VP for Research and Engineering for IBM; Dr. J. Herbert Hollomon, Asst. Sect of Commerve for Science and Technology; Dr. Robert L. Hershey, VP of E.I. DuPont de Nacourse & Co.; and the President." Used in: Technology Review, March 1965. Original credit line: United Press International.