Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1959

Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics dinner, 1959. Pictured seated: Elmer Sperry, Jr., Mr. Hotz, Grover Loening, Luis de Florez, and Mr Garber. Pictured standing are: Shatswell Ober, Walter McKay, Jerome C. Hunsaker, Horton G. Stever, Mr. Lederer, Otto C. Koppen, Frederic G. Coburn, C. E. Rosendahl, Charles S. Draper, Edwin E. Aldrin, Carl R. Soderberg, Samuel P. Johnston, Mr. Knowles, John R. Markham, and Raymond L. Bisplinghoff.
Original caption: "Seated: Sperry, Hotz, Loening, de Florez, Garber
Standing: Ober, Wilson, McKay, Hunsaker, Stever, Lederer (in front), Koppen (rear), Coburn, Rosendhal, Draper, Aldrin, Soderberg, Johnston, Knowles, Markham, Bisplinghoff.
Occasion: Dinner after Grover Loening's lecture, Dept of Aero & Astro, 4/10/59".