Jay W. Forrester with Whirlwind Computer, 1951

Jay Wright Forrester and Robert R. Everett look on as Stephen H. Dodd Jr. operates the Whirlwind Computer from a desk. Ramona D. Ferenz, right, sits at a target display. Technology Review, April 1952, p. 293. Stamp on verso reads "M.I.T. Historical Collections".
Original Caption: "from the Boston Traveler Dec. 12, 1951 Big Brain - This is the operation center for Whirlwind 1, the high-speed electronic computer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Watching solution of a problem are, left to right, Stephen H. Dodd, Jr., in charge of the computer operation Jay W. Forrester, director of the laboratory; Robert R. Everett, associate director, and Ramona D. Ferenz."
Original Caption: "While engaged in research problems involving extensive computation, Whirlwind computer, a portion of which is shown below, enhances the educational program at M.I.T."