Maria L. Kivisild, 1968

Maria L. Kivisild sits on the lawn of the Great Court. Stamp on verso reads "Feb 28 1968".
Original Caption: "A First For M.I.T. Miss Maria L. Kivisild, 19, this week became the first girl ever to be elected student body president of the predominantly male Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Hans R. Kivisild of Willowdale, Ontario, Canada, Miss Kivisild is a junior in the Department of Architecture. Miss Kivisild entered the race as a definite underdog, running against three boys, but M.I.T. elections are carried out on a preferential basis and vote splitting earned her the top spot. Her platform centered around encouraging wider student interest and involvement in student government and a firm proposal that 'This place needs to have some fun.' --M.I.T. Photo".
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Contact sheet of Maria L. Kivisild, 1968

Maria L. Kivisild, 1968

Maria L. Kivisild, 1968