James Rhyne Killian presenting gift to Walter Humphreys at Alumni Day luncheon, 1954
James Rhyne Killian holds out his arms as he bestows a gift at the Alumni Day luncheon, 1954. He stands behind a podium at the head table under an outdoor tent. Walter Humphreys stands before him and other guests look on from their seats. Stamp on verso reads "Jun 14 1954". Original caption 1: "Alumni Day Luncheon, Head Table, J R Killian giving crockery to Walter Humphreys". Original caption 2: "A pleasant occasion at the Alumni Day luncheon occurred when President Killian (right) presented a set of Wedgwood china plates to Walter Humphreys, '97, for 25 years Secretary of the Corporation. Other at the head tables are (left to right) William Sherry, Mrs. Horatio L. Bond; Dean E. L. Chochrane; Mrs. James R. Killian, Jr., Horatio L. Bond; Mrs. D. C. Arnold, and Richard L. Bowditch. Mr. Humphreys was also honored by a certificate presented June 11." Used in: Technology Review, July 1954, p. 475.