Howard Johnson, Karla Hurst and Marla Kivsild with McCormick portrait, 1968

Howard Johnson, Karla Hurst, and Maria Kivisild stand in front of a large painting of Katharine Dexter McCormick (also shown in GCP-00018169). The painting hangs on the wall in McCormick Hall, the dormitory building funded by and named after McCormick.
Original caption: "From the Office of Public Relations, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139. Three Presidents pose with the portrait of the late Mrs. Stanley McCormick whose $5,000,000 gift made possible the Stanley McCormick residents halls for undergraduate women at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. M.I.T. dedicated the eight-story East Wing of McCormick Hall yesterday afternoon. Together with McCormick Hall-West, which was dedicated in 1963, the twin resident towers provide housing for 226 coeds. Howard W. Johnson, president of M.I.T., and Karla Hurst, center, president of McCormick Hall, and Maria Kivilsild [sic], right, a resident of McCormick, who was just elected president of M.I.T.'s Undergraduate Ass'n took part in the ceremonies."
Original credit line: MIT Photo
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Portrait of Katharine Moore Dexter McCormick

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