Barton, J. J.
From left to right: Arthur L. Schawlow, Ali Javan, and Charles Hard Townes look at an exhibit on optical masers. Original caption: "BALLANTINE MEDALS were presented last October 17 at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia to Provost Charles H. Townes of M.I.T. and Professor Arthur L. Schawlow of Stanford University for their theoretical work and concept of a solid-state, three-level optical maser; to Theodore H. Maiman of the Korad Corporation for developing the first pulsed maser in the optical region; and to Associate Professor Ali Javan of M.I.T. for developing the first continuous optical maser. Professors Schawlow and Javan are shown at the left with Provost Townes. They were colleagues at Columbia University. Professor Schawlow is now Dr. Towne's brother-in-law, and Dr. Javan is again associated with Dr. Townes in research at M.I.T. For Dr. Townes, this was the second time that he received a Ballantine medal." Used in: Technology Review, January 1963 p. 11. Original credit line: J. J. Barton for The Franklin Institute, No. H 117-10.