Norbert Wiener and others receive the National Medal of Science, 1964

Lyndon B. Johnson, at a podium with the Presidential seal, poses with Norbert Wiener and other recipients of the National Medal of Science while Jerome B. Wiesner, left, has his hand on Wiener's shoulder.
Original caption 1: on recto: "(WX3) WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 -- SCIENTISTS HONORED AT WHITE HOUSE -- President Johnson and an aide Dr. Jerome Weisner, pose today at the White House with five of the nation's top scientists, recipients of the 1963 National Medal of Science. The President presented the medals at a ceremony in the executive mansion. In the group, from left, are: Dr. Weisner; Dr. Norbert Wiener, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston; Dr. John R. Pierce, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, N.J.; Dr. Vannevar Bush, prominent engineer, scientist and administrator; Dr. Cornelius B. van Niel, Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, Palo Alto, Calif.; the President; and Dr. Luis W. Alvarez, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Livermore Calif. (AP Wirephoto) (See AP Wire Story) (rbo21345stf-cpg)1964.", Original caption 2: "PRESIDENT JOHNSON and Professor Jerome Wiesner (at far left) are shown above at the White House with the five 1963 recipients of National Medals of Science. Those honored were (left to right) Institute Professor Emeritus Norbert Wiener of M.I.T., John R. Pierce of the Bell Telephone Laboratories, Vannevar Bush,'16, of M.I.T., Cournelius B. vanNiel of Stanford University, and Luis W. Alvarez of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory and Livermore, Calif.", "Wiley", Original credit line: "AP Wirephoto", Used in: Technology Review, Mar. 1964 p.23
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