Hope Wiswall christens dinghy donated by Paul McCord Wiswall, circa 1947

Hope Wiswall christens the new sailing vessel "Hope" while Stephen B. King and Erwin H. Schell watch on the dock. The boat was designed by George Owen.
Original caption: "Miss Hope Wiswall christens the new experimental dinghy 'Hope' as Commodore Stephen B. King, 1947, and Professor Erwin H. Schnell, 1912, look on. Instead of the traditional champagne, water from the Narragansett Bay was broken over the bow im reminiscence of the region where Paul M. Wiswall, 1909, donor of the sail dinghy, first learned to sail. The new boat was designed by Professor George Owen, 1894, who also designed the M.I.T. dinghy fleet which has been in constant use during the last decade."
Used in: Technology Review, February 1947 p. 224.
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