Computers -- Individual Computers -- TX-0 Computer

Designed in 1956 by the Lincoln Laboratory of MIT, the TX-0 Computer had two specific purposes -- 1) to determine the cmpetency of transistors as the logical elements in this type of computer (high speed, 5MHz, general purpose, stored program, parallel, digital), and 2) to test a large capacity magnetic core memory. The transistors, where all high speed logic is performed, were tested before installation, in 1958 and again in 1959, proving on all occasions to be very reliable, with few failures. The memory checkout was equally successful; in 1958, the 65,536 word memory was transferred to the TX-2 and a 4096 word core was installed on the TX-0. Modifications and expansions continued on the TX-0 until 1963 when the interest of researchers was diverted to the PDP-1 computer. Since the original testing, the TX-0 has been used by numerous groups for a variety of purposes. The Communications Biophysics Laboratory used it to process the electrophysiological data of the brain; the Speech Group of the R.L.E. used it to characterize and recognize speech sounds. Its abilities are used by professors and students to process and analyze data on such things as nuclear bubble chambers, human postural reflexes, handwriting samples, and other projects of personal and academic interest.
Additional Information
TX-0 Computer History, John A. McKenzie, Research Laboratory of Electronics, October 1, 1974.