Bathyscaphes in the Mediterranean Sea, 1954

This color and black-and-white film shows several Mediterranean underwater photography expeditions in 1954 featuring bathyscaphes outfitted with Harold Edgerton's underwater cameras and lights. Scenes show Jacques-Yves and Simone Cousteau and their collaborator Albert Falco on board ESPADON and CALYPSO, and crew working with Cousteau's bathyscaphe "SOUCOUPE". Footage also documents maneuvers with the French Navy's bathyscaphe FNRS III, captained by Georges Houot, in Toulon, France. Edgerton shows deep-sea photographs achieved during this fieldwork season as featured in the pages of the National Geographic Magazine. Run time = 00:12:46. (CC)
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Film 38: 1955, Calypso

Deep-sea tripod fish - 1950s